About Me

Alexis Therapist

Alexis De Braganca is a psychotherapist specializing in individual, couples and family therapy, and maintains a private practice in Westchester County, NY along with telehealth services offered throughout NY state.

With over 14  years experience as a therapist, and as a graduate of NYU School of Social Work, she is currently serving as private practitioner working with a broad spectrum of clients. Among her areas of expertise are eating disorders, addictive and compulsive behaviors, mood disorders, anxiety, women's issues, and adjustment to medical issues and related lifestyle changes for clients and caregivers. She holds a certification from NYU's post graduate certification program in Clinical Approaches to the Addictions, and is a graduate of The Institute for Contemporary Psychotherapy's division of the Center for the Study of Anorexia and Bulimia, a training program in the integrated treatment of eating disorders. She received her clinical training in psychiatric disorders and treatment at New York Presbyterian Hospital Westchester Behavioral Health Center. Alexis also received training as an oncology social work clinician at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, and worked with patients and families coping with acute and chronic medical conditions at NYU Langone Medical Center.

Alexis is an interactive, solution-focused, eclectic therapist who draws from psychodynamic theory and application, as well as cognitive behavioral therapy and dialectical behavioral therapy techniques and interventions. Her therapeutic approach is to provide support and practical feedback to help clients effectively address personal life challenges. Psychotherapy is a unique and often difficult journey towards growth and change. Alexis is an empathic, well-attuned therapist, attending to the different experiences, makeup, and needs of each individual. As appropriate, she offers family and couples consultations, group therapy, as well as referrals to/collaboration with other healthcare professionals.

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